"Dying to be me" Anita Moorjani

Gepubliceerd op 21 november 2024 om 22:17

Anita Moorjani had lymfeklierkanker en falende organen. Ze stierf en kreeg de kans om terug te komen en ons haar verhaal te vertellen.

En wat heeft ze prachtige lifechanging kennis bij en deze wens ik graag te delen met alle mensen die op zoek zijn naar de goddelijkheid van hun eigen ziel.

"All we have to do is treasure our own magnificance and recognaise god in us"

"Love yourself like your life depends on it"

"our soul comes here with an intention, discover your souls intention"

"An illness is a spiritual and emotional problem": repressing ourself, it's an existential element.

"Discover your authentic self"

"Set yourself free, we are good enough"

"Trust that you are an expression of love"

"Check your energy body = awareness"

"We should focus on our energy not on our money"

"Start to think about what you would do with your life if you were fully healthy"

"You want to start loving the life that you are going to have a life that you want to live, start living that life! Start creating that life.

"Evaluate the things in your life that you are currently doing that you don't want to do and start saying no to them"

Walk the Camino of your heart and soul 

💜 Cindy

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